
How we made it easier to collaborate on the site by creating a browser extension

Our team uses Chrome Extension which allows our developers, managers, and designers to discuss website changes without using multiple external platforms. All updates can be done in one place - DoneNote. The extension allows making any comments and notes right on the website. It is clear, fast, and simple.
How our life became easier without endless Google Docs and screenshots
If you ever got involved in web app development, you would know that sometimes it is a dull process, especially at the stage when you make edits. There are never-ending discussions and exchanges of pdf files/screenshots/ or Google Docs. The process in overall is messy and can bring high unclearance to the work.

Our team used to take screenshots of Figma for discussing any block or graphic element changes during landing development. For text adjustments, we used shared Google Docs which was also not efficient sometimes. Some comments were done in third apps and sent as separate notes. All these stages became a pure inconvenience, and we were fed up. That’s how we started to look for a solution that will help to optimize our development process.

With several tests, we concluded that Chrome Extension DoneNote is the most optimal solution. All the project discussions were transferred to one place. Our team liked the convenience and noticed how development time decreased. Now it became easier to make edits and agree upon changes in one platform.

Team at

What you can do with DoneNote:

  • create comments all over the website: what, how, and in what way things should be done
  • highlight parts of the text that should be removed, changed, or edited
  • make voice notes
  • edit comments font to bring extra attention to comment parts
  • add images for referencing
  • add emoji for higher expression
  • track all the comments: already done ones and ones still in progress

Does DoneNote fits to you?

DoneNote is a workspace that optimizes web app development and eliminates all unnecessary discussion steps. It makes the whole process faster and easier because there is no need to use external sources. The extension unites all comments in on place, minimizes the risk to lose of forgetting important edits, and allows the whole team to work simultaneously.

DoneNote fits web developers, designers, managers, product managers, markers, and anyone who is involved in the web development process. You, as a user, can be a part of the company, an agency representative, or an independent specialist. No matter how you work, DoneNote can take away your headache.

Chrome Extension price is $7 per month for one account. Also we have a Team Plan for the awesome company’s

Are you ready to ease collaboration? — Let’s start 30 days free trial